
Quick Workouts You Can Do at The Rec During Your Lunch Break

Are you someone who struggles to find time to exercise during the day? It seems like we always have one excuse or another that prevents us from getting in our morning, afternoon, or evening workouts. However, if your excuses for why you can’t fit in a workout during your lunch break, you’ll be happy to know that there’s no reason you can’t get in your workout at The Rec.

The Rec is a great place to go if you’re looking for a quick workout to fit in during your lunch break. You’ll be able to get in a good workout in the allotted amount of time for your break. If your company has an on-site gym, you’ll love the amenities available to you at no cost. However, if your company doesn’t have an on-site gym, you can still use The Rec. Sounds great, right? Let’s look at some quick workouts that you can do to maximize your lunch break and give you the energy to perform throughout your day.


If you’re looking to get in a quick workout that will get you sweating, why not try doing some sprints? Sprinting around a track or along the road gets your heart rate up and will work your leg muscles. You can work in some standing ab exercises as well if you take a break to rest between sets. If you need to cut your workout short, start by running for one minute and then walking prof for two. Build up to ten runs full speed and take a break for 15 minutes. You’re bound to burn more calories during a high-intensity workout like this then jogging for an hour.


If you’re pressed for time but still want to get in a good workout, lifting weights is a great option for your lunch break. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym for quick results. To get in some great weight exercises in less time, you can try a total workout with three five-minute supersets. Dedicate two or three minutes to each individual exercise before moving on to the next one. Don’t dilly dally in between sets, be efficient with your time, and you’ll get the most out of your workout.


If you’re stressed out from a long day at work and could use a break, then yoga is a great option for a lunch break workout. Practicing yoga can have many benefits, including increasing your flexibility, improving your posture, and reducing stress. Instead of rushing through your lunch break, spend five minutes in the chill-out zone and find a quiet place to do a few downward facing dogs and sun salutations. Even a few simple poses can help to rejuvenate you and help you finish your day strong.

Outdoor Activities

Instead of heading to the gym, going on an outdoor activity break is a great way to get your body moving and your heart rate going. Try going for a walk, a bike ride or a quick run. Operating outside will allow you to also take in some fresh air and enjoy a bit of nature. You’ll be surprised by how much better you feel after a quick workout.

Jump Rope

As simple as it sounds, you can get a great workout from a little jumping rope. Not only is it great for improving your cardiovascular health, but jumping rope is also great for toning muscles. Jump rope is perfect as a lunch break workout and can be done in different intervals. Try jumping rope for 30 seconds and then resting for 30 seconds. As you build your strength and stamina, work up to jumping rope for a solid 10 minutes.

Dedicate yourself to incorporating quick workouts into your lunch breaks and you’ll be amazed by the results. You’ll not only be more energized, but you’ll feel more accomplished and your mood will be boosted as well. Fitness should be a top priority for everyone, no matter how busy. So, stop making excuses about not having enough time for a good workout. Relax, breathe, and embrace the time you have to get in a quick, yet effective workout.